Map details for: (8)Plains of Snow '98.scm
Title:Plains of Snow '98
Description:Suggested Players: 2-8

The snow covered plains are now coated in ash.
Tileset:Ash World
Size:192 x 192
Total Minerals:255000
Total Vespene:110000
Filesize:110.4 kB


Suicidal Insanity
Submitter's DescriptionThe warcraft 2 classic has returned!

View: Medium(~200kb) Large(~1MB)

Player Race Owner Zerg Food Terran Food Protoss Food
Force 1(Allied: Off, Random: On, Vision: Off, Allied Victory: Off
Player 1Red User SelectHuman000
Player 2Blue User SelectHuman000
Player 3Teal User SelectHuman000
Player 4Purple User SelectHuman000
Player 5Orange User SelectHuman000
Player 6Brown User SelectHuman000
Player 7White User SelectHuman000
Player 8Yellow User SelectHuman000
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