Welcome to the Stormcoast Fortress Starcraft Map Database

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Melee Maps
Total Maps:84
Total Downloads236957
Average Rating0.0

Money Maps
Total Maps:13
Total Downloads60032
Average Rating0.0

Use Map Settings - Assault
Total Maps:10
Total Downloads36848
Average Rating0.0

Use Map Settings - Bound
Total Maps:14
Total Downloads57374
Average Rating0.0

Use Map Settings - Cinematic
Total Maps:7
Total Downloads25989
Average Rating0.0

Use Map Settings - Defense
Total Maps:67
Total Downloads252212
Average Rating0.0

Use Map Settings - Madness
Total Maps:39
Total Downloads125338
Average Rating0.0

Use Map Settings - Other
Total Maps:64
Total Downloads255186
Average Rating0.0

Use Map Settings - RPG
Total Maps:57
Total Downloads224219
Average Rating0.0

Use Map Settings - Strategy
Total Maps:98
Total Downloads326590
Average Rating0.0

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